Punyuu.blogspot.com is a site of questions. We wonder about life. We discuss about life. Never really coming to a conclusion, but just recording thoughts that humans inevitably ask.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Being Sociable


It was never acceptable to not be sociable. When she declared that she had no want of meeting people, she was frowned upon. Reasons came about that people were important for ensuring the success of one’s self in the future - a social network, was everything that guaranteed one a place in the world. But she was so full of doubt of this statement so fully enforced by everyone she encountered. That at times like this, all hopes to find someone who shared her thoughts never surfaced again.
Nobody would have learned the fact that she was not like this when she was young. Certainly she accused the world for the way she turned out to be. But ‘the world’ would be such a generalisation. She has the tendency to do that - to link everything to the world and its deplorable state.
But when she was young, she was the loudest and most cheerful girl wherever she went. There was no fear whenever she spoke her thoughts. Sure she made enemies, but she had friends as well.
But as she gained knowledge of how vast this world is, how so many other people, language and culture exist, it was inevitable that she became quieter and quieter and quieter. The realisations were overwhelming. Unanswered questions bottled up. Studies had no purpose, except that she just had to excel. Of everything else that was exerting so much pressure on her, there was one that never fail to distress her - communication with people. 


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